Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can Amazon predict the future?

I spend a lot of time talking about in my blog. Amazon isn't just an arbitrary company that I like to follow however. With a huge advantage in the industry of online shopping, Amazon always works hard to increase profits through excellent customer service and an enormous selection of items at prices that are more than reasonable.

When Amazon posted its third quarter profits at $199 million and spoke of a 37% increase in sales, it's no wonder I thought the struggling media industry could take a few pointers.
How much have these guys really figured out? How much knowledge do they really have to offer?

Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker is quotes as saying, "'s value proposition (lowest prices + best selection + great customer service) is succeeding in attracting consumers as they transition from offline to online in search of value." Why should news consumers be any different? The best way for the news industry to follow this model towards continued success is to consistently offer opposing viewpoints on a variety of issues. Another example of how the idea of unified, crusade journalism described in my last post will lead the industry to failure. Can Amazon predict the future? If they can, and they seem to be doing a fair job so far, we're in a lot of trouble!

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